Tuesday 17 October 2017

How to Design the Perfect Home Bar

Having a home bar will give your space a sophisticated touch and provide you with a perfect spot for socializing. Most people decide to build a standing bar within their kitchen or to create an attractive drink-corner somewhere tastefully, where people already have a habit of gathering, such as the living room. If you live in a place that’s known for nice weather all year round, you might even consider the option of an outdoor bar. Although owning a home bar is just a subject of daydreaming for many, designing it doesn’t have to cripple your budget. You just need to invest in the basic equipment and of course - quality liquor. Here’s where to start.

Decide on the Type of Bar You Want

Do you want a freestanding bar or a built-in island? Do you aim for the vintage style, the traditional one, or you wish to give your interior a bit of a modern twist? Freestanding bars come in many different designs and they make a nice solution for those who want to bring in more flexibility to their space, but not by completely separating different sections of the room. They are typically made of composite wood or wood, although some more contemporary designs include glass and metals as well. On the other hand, bar islands are all about open spaces and utilizing the center part of your room. With just a few barstools, this bar island will become a perfectly casual centerpiece of any home party.

Mind the Storage and Appliances

Before definitely deciding on the exact bar you want, think about the amount of storage space you need, as well as the appliances you plan on using. Built-in cabinets are the most frequent choice here because of their practicality and an opportunity to display the drinks you have. They can be a bit pricey, which is why you might consider re purposing your bookshelves instead. As for the appliances, you need to decide whether or not you want to have a water hookup. This depends on your desired bar size, as well as its position within the house. See if you need a small refrigerator, a wine cooler, or a juicer - as all of these devices need electricity. This puts the position and the type of your bar in question. Apart from the aesthetics, you need a dry storage that’s protected from the direct sunlight.

Take Care of the Details

If you want to save up a bit of your money and avoid cluttering your bar, you can opt for glassware that is multifunctional. For example, invest in a 12-piece wineglass pack and pick those suitable both for drinking red and white wine. As for the barware, you’ll be needing a cocktail shaker, muddler, jigger, an ice bucket, and optionally - straws and decorations. It’s also good to think ahead, so try finding a quality bar runner as these absorb the spills and ensure the bar surface stays protected. You can also use coasters or cocktail napkins to make your bar area more elegant and give it a personal touch. Subtle lighting is advisable to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Depending on the overall style of your interior, you can even opt for a neon signs, similar to the one in the Tom Cruise movie “Cocktail”.

Choosing Liquor

To make an impressive bar that has almost everything, you don’t have to own dozens of different brands of vodkas or expensive whiskies. Stock the essentials. If you want to make cocktails, the most popular ones contain gin, vodka, rum, and bourbon. Whiskey sours are also a usual part of the cocktail drinking menu, as well as tequilla. Pay special attention to vermouth and bitters, as they will help all the flavors blend together. Try having other mixers on your hands at all times. These include soda, juice, coke, and some type of tonic water. Salt, pepper, lemon, oranges, and grapefruits should also be around. You can also search the web to find some drinkingrecipes and keep them near until you get in the hang of it.

Are you ready to design the home bar of your dreams? Keep these tips in mind and enjoy creating a great personal space for all of your sip-lovers!

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog http://www.homemyheaven.co.uk/2017/10/how-to-design-perfect-home-bar.html

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